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Wednesday, 21 November 2012

How to Top your Marijuana Plant

Hello all,

     This is a quick post on how to top your marijuana plant. The main reason for topping your plant is space efficiency. If you are growing outside in a field you may as well let those babies grow as tall as possible. Topping your plant will save you a lot of space while promoting greater growth to the lower shoots.

 What to do: As the picture describes above in (1) you can see the top of the plant and the node below that has two new shoots arriving. Take a sterilized box cutter/ razor blade (or something clean thoroughly) and cut just above that node as shown above. You will now have something that looks like the picture on the right. (2) is where you have recently cut the top of the plant and (3) is where the two new tops will form. This method saves on space in indoor grows while promoting growth to the lower shoots.

The photo below was taken 2 days after the plant was topped. Notice where the plant was cut and where the two tops are beginning to shoot up.

 Hope this makes your growing experience enjoyable and time-worthy. Happy Growing.

Cannabis Digest


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Low Stress Training - What is it? Does it Work?

Hello all,

     Here is a short post on how to perform LST or Low Stress Training on your cannabis plants. To put it simply LST is a method in which the apical bud [the top of the plant] is forced downward.
One method of Low Stress Training [ScroG]

This picture shows multiple rope/dental floss (whatever you fancy) in the form of a screen. This enables the lower lateral shoots to receive more sunlight/ artificial light than it had before. The lower branches will then become dominant apical shoots all reaching vertically for the light.

     Moreover, the plants main stock is being forced sideways. This causes the roots to respond by growing long and thicker roots than before. The larger roots in turn will receive more water + nutrients to feed on ultimately increasing the amount of foliage potential.

If you do not have multiple plants growing at the same time than the method above would not be your choice (there is another method that is easier for lesser plants). Really all you need is a thin line of string, some people use dental floss. Fasten the string to something sturdy and loop the rest of the string around the base of the plant above the cotyledons. This will promote root growth as your plant begins to grow. If your plant is already taller than ~10" be careful where you loop your string, you do not want to snap your baby. The top part of the plant is very sensitive but you want it to be forced downward so the lower shoots can have some light action. I suggest wrapping the string around the node (later shoot) that is 3rd-4th from the top. This area of the plant is still flexible but it is more mature and stronger than the stem above.

     I hope you found this somewhat useful. Happy Growing


Grow Journal

Hello all,

     I have recently added a new page that I hope you will begin to use. I am creating this thread to spark up some thoughts on optimal growing. What methods of growing produce the best bud? How do you increase yield, any reputable methods? What lighting should I use?
     All of these questions I find are in high demand. Most of the forums I read over tend to be misleading and biased. I will provide you information to the best of my knowledge and get you on your way to growing top quality bud. Happy Growing.
Here is the link to the page: http://cannabisdigest.blogspot.ca/p/grow-journal.html



Hello all,

     I am pleased to announce that The Cannabis Digest will be up and running very shortly. This website will provide readers with interesting and factual information on the history of cannabis. In addition, The Cannabis Digest will explore the present use of cannabis as well as set up forums for exchanging ideas. The forum will have a wide variety of topics that range from 'how to grow' to 'what is hemp?'. I hope you will stick around and come back in a couple of weeks to see what is in store for you.

 Happy Smoking,

         Cannabis Digest